I met the sweet Lilia and her amazing mama, Jane Buckingham, at the Rag Doll Pink Palace for an epic three hour photo shoot for Saturne Magazine's Sept/Oct publication. This was my first time collaborating with the French publication and being a whole continent away I had to be alot more involved in the planning than usual which was stressful, fun, and gave me a whole new respect for all the editors I work with!
I had only a handful of days to secure a full glam team for this shoot, as well as for the photoshoot that I had the very next day with The 100 actress Lindsey Morgan, so to say my week was hectic was a bit of an understatement. However, by the grace of the photography gods, I was able to secure a team for each shoot and was ready to create some art with some amazing artists.
My stylist, Shaina Feldman was detrimental to making this shoot successful and truly outdid herself. She showed up with so many beautiful options for Lilia and I play dress up in and what better place to shoot than in a real life dollhouse?
Shaina Feldman stylying Lilia while Jane is working hard in the back
We were able to shoot 8 different outfits during our time together and I just cant decided which look was my favorite. I love the first and second look, but I also loved the last one too! Which one is your favorite?
Outfit 1- In Her Palace
I think Lilia liked this one too haha!
Outfit 2- Wall Flower
Lilia looking amazing, me in my Target mom tee - whomp whomp
Outfit 3- Roses
Outfit 4- RagDoll
Outfit 5- Vintage Lace
Outfit 6- Circa
I like mirrors...can yall tell?
*Funny story about the above photo. I told Lilia to channel Britney Spears vibes circa 2000 for this portion of the shoot because, well.. look at this set up! Lilia looked at me like I was crazy and had NO IDEA what I was talking about. Shaina busted out laughing at me, and had me check my age while she pulled up the Britney archives on you tube for Lilia to watch.
Outfit 7- Hatter
Outfit 8- Blossom
I am beyond blessed to have had the opportunity to work with these ladies and I cant wait to work with them again! Make sure to grab your copy of Saturne Magazine when it releases this fall.