Heather Koepp Photography

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Sophie Simmons : Its in the Gene's

It was a rainy morning in January as I drove up to Venice for the 10am call time with singer Sophie Simmons. You may recognize the last name or recognize her from her on going appearance in Gene Simmons Family Jewels but the singer who just released her first album, 'Black Mirror', is making her own way in the industry.

I was contacted by Grumpy Magazine to do a shoot with her and the concept was just epic. It was going to be outdoors at Vasquez Rocks but the weather forced us to make a quick change of plans, those plans landed us at Podshare of Venice. Having no idea what to expect when I arrived, I swung open the doors to a completely dark room filled with rows of bunk beds; complete with sleeping travelers resting next to piles of laundry and luggage. It was 930 in the morning and the place smelled of freshly microwaved meatballs. I instantly thought, oh crap. 

I quickly scoped out the place and tried to find inspiration in the corners of the room that held any sort of light. As I walked around the building I saw how cool it really was and I started to relax, I really had no time to panic since Sophie showed up minutes after I did. The MUA and Stylist were quickly behind her and we got things set up for shooting. 

There was little conversation exchanged during the hour shoot but we were quick and efficient and got some killer content which was just released in the Spring Issue of Grumpy Magazine which you can pick up on issu.com. 

Here are the images from the magazine as well as a few bonus images